Ad Details
Ad ID: 4458
Added: July 23, 2019
Sale Price: ₱ 3500
Location: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: City of Manila
Views: 1720
#2142 Road 2, Fabie Estate, Sta. Ana, Manila, Manila
No. of Rooms 2
Monthly Rate: PHP 3500
Contact Person: Mickey
Contact Number: 09109626777 or 818-8671 local 654
It is an apartment with 2 rooms, salas, dining, kitchen, one CR and with laundry area. I am working in Makati…it takes 2 rides for me to go there however it takes only 20 minutes ride, all you have to spent is P14 for the fare. You can share with me the use of refrigerator, tv, dvd and washing machine. the rental is not inclusive of electricity and water. Accessible to market. Rental is 3,500 a month.