Ad Details
Ad ID: 4377
Added: July 22, 2019
Sale Price: ₱ 2500000
Location: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: Makati
Views: 1618
rufino st. delarosa st makati, Makati
Selling Price: PHP 2500000
Contact Person: Rowell Espelita
Contact Number: 0905 23 99 544
How would you like to own your condo unit located in Makati that is literally blocks away from malls, supermarkets, churches, hospitals and schools? For as low as Php 17, 000.00 per month in the total price of 2.5 million with no financial squeezes invest now!! “RELAX WHILE YOUR INVESTMENT GROW” For inquiries and appointments, please contact Rowell Espelita at 09052399544 or send your e-mails at