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Category : House and Lot for Sale
Price: Php 6,382,973.00 Down payment=1,276,594.00 Less Reservation fee=50,000 Net Down payment Less Res fee=1,236,594.60 Payable in 18months=68,144.14 80% Bank or In-house=5,106,378.40 10yrs to pay in-house=88,747.66 10yrs to pay bank=61,954.46 15yrs to pay ba
Total Contract Price: Php 5,813,197.00 Down payment=1,162,639.40 Less Res fee=40,000 Net Down payment=1,122,639.40 18months to pay=62,368.86 80% Balance Thru Bank or In-house=4,650,557.60 10yrs to pay in-house=80,825.60 10yrs to pay bank=56,424.09 15yrs to pay
Sophia Single Detached Spot Sample Computation Min. LA -132 sqm, Usable FA – 115.08 sqm • 4 bedrooms •Carport with ceramic tiles •2 toilet and bath •Family area •Full 2-storey with balcony TCP= 6,344,860.00 Res fee=30,000 Down payment=1,268,972 Pay
Shanata Model L.A=176sqm F.A=171.50 4 Bedrooms 3 Toilet & bath Dining Living Kitchen Carport Terrace ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TCP= 8,557,380 Reservation fee=40,000 10% discount for spot cash 20% down payment for Bank and inhouse financing
Lunes, Pebrero 1, 2021 4 bedrooms Orabella House and Lot for sale in Sienna Hills Lipa City “Your story of “good life” begins at Siena Hills in Lipa City” Introducing one of the newest offerings of Suntrust Properties, Inc., a wholly-owned company of M
ORABELLA MODEL Lot area=176sqm F.A=147.23 sqm 4bedrooms 3toilet & Bath with carport,terrace Living Kitchen Dining Veranda Family Room 2 storey Single Detached TCP=8,912,310.00 Res fee=50,000 Net Downpayment= 1,732,462.00 18 months to pay downpayment= 96,24
Niran Model L.A=176sqm F.A=115sqm 4 Bedrooms 2 Toilet & bath Dining Living Kitchen Carport Terrace 10% discount for spot cash 20% down payment for Bank and inhouse financing 80% Loanable thru bank and in-house financing We assist client until house turn ov
MICAELA MODEL Single Detached Lot area=176sqm F.A=178.70 sqm 4bedrooms, 3toilet & Bath with carport&terrace Living Kitchen Dining TCP=10,592,480.00 Reservation fee=50,000 10% discount for spot cash 20% down payment for Bank and inhouse financing 80% Lo
Micaela Lot Area: 176 sqm Floor Area: 178.70 sqm House Features 4 Bedrooms Carport w/ ceramic tiles 3 Toilet & Bathroom 1 Powder room Family area Living room Dining Room Kitchen 1 Veranda 1 Balcony TCP=9,540,880 20%DP=1,908,176.00 Res fee=40,000 Net DP les
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